How Is It Like To Have A Cat — Comforting or Frustrating?

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Have you been wondering how is it to be a fur parent to a cat? Are you considering buying or adopting one? Are you already a fur parent of an adorable cat and you want to read something you can relate to? Then this blog is for you because today I am going to tell you how is it like to have a cat.
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I am a fur parent of a cat named Snow. I’ve been taking care of her for a few months now and I tell you, she changed me from my daily routine to my perspectives with animals, especially to her species. During my time taking care of Snow, I’ve realized that having her is not an easy task. This is what it’s like to have her.

She is entertaining!
She’s like a little kid who is constantly curious about everything. Whether it was an object or an insect, as long as it is new to her eyes, she will go crazy over it. I remember how she first went beyond our gate without me knowing it; I was close to crying, thinking how she possibly got taken by some kids only to see her on another lot beside our house jumping and playing with grass! Or that one time when she just sits in the corner watching a cockroach. Not to mention how she loves to climb to anything from furniture, windows, pots, and up to my shoulder.

Therefore, if you have a cat. You can just sit in a chair and still be entertained only by watching it play around, being curious.

She has the smelliest poop

I have to find an effective cat litter to cover-up the unpleasant odor and to keep our house from stinking.

She is not a dog
That’s why she has never been submissive to me. Like, I’ve had Snow for months, but I still can’t hold her for more than a minute. She’s not like a dog that will follow me around wherever I go. She’s also hard to teach. I think this is where “YOU DON’T RUN CATS, CATS RUN YOU” saying came from.

She grooms herself
This is the reason I don’t have to worry about bathing her regularly (which I considered as a blessing!)

She scratches the furniture
Fortunately, I was able to teach her to scratch the scratching pad I made for her.

I have to play with her
Or else she will make ways to entertain herself like playing with my headset, jumping on my laptop while I use it, climbing to my shoulders, sometimes even playing with my foot! So I allotted time once a day (preferably before bedtime) where I will only play with her.

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She doesn’t like baths
I remember the first time I bathed her; it was chaotic and traumatizing for us. I wouldn’t go into details to what exactly happened but the last thing I knew was I am walking out of our bathroom, I am soaked wet and my arms have scratches.

I’ve allotted a regular feeding time for her
If she gets hungry and I’m not around to feed her, she will hunt for food. When I said she will hunt for food, I mean she will find and eat an insect.

Snow needs space
She has to have time for herself. I remember the first day she got used to our place; she went crazy playing with everything, which made me jealous at some point. I mean, I want her to sit on my lap all the time but her species are not like that and as her fur parent, I should respect that because after she is tired of playing, she will quietly sit on my lap and sleep.

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She taught me something
I love my fur baby so much and she changed my perspective to animals. I realized that they also have feelings. I remember when Snow sat on my lap, she just stared at me and slowly touched my nose with her soft paw. They also get hurt, like when Snow refused to eat for days after her paw got trampled on our rocking chair. They develop friendships the same as we do, like when Snow found her playmate that she will go outside just to play with my neighbor’s cat.

To have a cat has ups and downs, but for me, I find it comforting. I think it just depends on how you see it.
So if you are considering adopting or buying a cat, then this is your sign — GET IT and you won’t regret it. It will not only be your pet, but it will also be your companion, a friend that can make your days better. And if you already have one, love it as much as you love your own family, because I promise you, if you made it feel loved, it will love you back unconditionally.


  1. Replies
    1. She's adorable and somehow, an eye-opener isn't she?

  2. I love cats! I had one when I was in my grandparents' house but for some reason, I need to move to my aunt's house, leaving my cat behind. I miss her so much. Her name is mingming, the typical name of a cat. I want to adopt a cat but my aunt won't allow me for she has asthma. Anyways, Snow is so cute. She's so lucky to have you as her fur parent.

    1. Thank you so much! I wish that someday you'll be able to love and be loved by a fur baby! Best feeling in the world.😊

  3. I wanna meet Snow as soon as possible. She's so cuteeee. As her dad, I wanna meet my daughter and her mother. huhu


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