Our Lifelong Attachment to the Place that Birthed Us

            A few weeks ago, I celebrated my 21st birthday, and as I recollected the past years of my existence, I realized something: that I have changed; big change. 

I am now more disciplined. I am now looking more mature physically. I have a concrete plan for my future and I now think and speak with more sense. 

These realizations gave me a hint that maybe life has already prepared me for one special thing. There was this famous quote from Mark Twain and he said that the two most important days in our life are the day we were born and the day we find out why. Maybe, life has prepared me for my second most important day: know the reason I exist; know my purpose in life.

And it hurts that for me to fulfill this thing, I will have to leave this place and explore the world. Meet new people with different perspectives. Live in a different place that offers a different experience and comfort. Smell an air that blows differently compared to the winds of this neighborhood. See the world. Experience things. Learn from it. And weigh in what I really want to fulfill in my lifetime.

These thoughts gave me an idea to conceptualize the theme of this blog, to share with you the place that birthed me; my haven: Via Verde Village.

I walked around our village. I tried to observe and absorb everything that I can get from it. Thankfully, I have a camera to capture the beautiful things that I saw. Things that made my heart flutter. And boy, I didn’t realize how much I love this place until I walked through it with full attention. I can even close my eyes and still know the directions to our house. 

I realized that I have taken advantage of this place for so many years. 

Oh jeez, I hope you could stand in my shoes; close your eyes, and hear the trees whisper through their leaves when the fresh wind blows them. See the greenery all over the place that is very calming and soothing to the eyes. Meet other residents on the streets that are just too familiar in the eyes that it is easy to tell if they aged aggressively through the years. Watch the kids playing in the streets, a new younger generation, that will keep the “fun” and the “life” in the streets of this neighborhood. 

I have taken advantage of the learning, life, and comfort that this place has given me through the years. And with this, I want to pay a tribute, through this blog that contains words I took from my heart and through the photos I captured that perfectly represent the beauty and sentimental vibes that it has for its residents, particularly to me.

All these combined, I plan to immortalize it with this blog. And I want to share it with you. Not because I want to brag about this beloved haven of mine, but because I want you to realize the contribution of your own special place to who you are today. Just like me, I love this place and so do you with your own special place: your own beloved haven. 

And I hope this blog will inspire you to see what hides in your eyes for so many years, especially if you also plan to leave it in pursuit of knowing your purpose in life.

Here are the photos that I took around Via Verde Village. Feel free to appreciate it and feel free to share your love with your own village in the comment section.


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