The Man On A Silver Bike

Alejandro can't seem to walk properly, probably because of the blisters on his feet or for being too drunk, maybe both.

It's past midnight already and it was only an empty street in front of his blurred and shaky vision when suddenly a man on a silver bicycle appeared on his side. 

"Are you okay, dude," the man said.

He smiled with the stranger, a charming smile that probably captured the man's heart as the man insisted to give him a ride around the neighborhood. 

Alejandro, after a few minutes of convincing, decided to accept the offer. 
He then asked the stranger to find an open store where they can buy cigarettes.

In front of this house with a store in the garage, they sat together. 
Alejandro in front of it and the stranger on the other side of the road where he parked his bicycle.

"What an unusual night," Alejandro whispered to himself.

It was a peaceful night but also tense, probably because of the presence of this stranger in front of him that doesn't even want to look in his direction.

Alejandro puffed his cigarette and looked upward: facing the night sky. There were very few stars that night and it made him sad. 

Gently, he blows the trapped smoke inside his mouth, then released a very intense sigh. He felt like he is waiting for something to happen, but cannot figure it out.

Alejandro heard footsteps but it did not stop him from looking up. 

He heard someone sat beside him. 

"Where do you want to go next?" the stranger said. 

"Bring me somewhere dark where I can lie down, I wanna see the stars clearly," Alejandro replied with a very soft voice as if he was begging the stranger to do what he asked.

"Let's go," the stranger answered quickly.

Excitedly, Alejandro stood up to ride at the back of the man's bicycle. 

And they started passing all these empty streets with Spanish Era-styled houses.
Soon, houses turned into vacant lots, and vacant lots turned into grassy land.

Alejandro found himself in a cemetery. It was dark but thanks to the moon he was still able to see everything, including the stranger's face.

He immediately jumped out of the bicycle and approached this huge tomb with a huge cross on its forefront part.

He laid his back on the tomb and carefully observed the sky. There was little light pollution which allowed him to see more stars. 
The stranger laid down beside him also, and Alejandro can tell the man was staring at him. 

As he closes his eyes, the man kissed him on the lips sending shivers throughout his body. 

At that moment, Alejandro knew that it was what he was anticipating subconsciously earlier.

They shared this passionate kiss even though they are strangers to each other's life. 

The man was the first one to undress. 

He has a very muscular body, a wide plumpy chest, and a slim and toned abdomen. 
He has tanned skin, and even though it's dark, Alejandro can see the man properly: undressed, naked. 

Alejandro was the second one to undress revealing his pale and extremely fair body, contrasting to the other one's body. 

The man kissed Alejandro's slim legs first before going into his pink nipples, then to his neck and back to his lips. 

It was intense, immoral but heavenly.

Alejandro can describe the moment as when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden. 
In the same way, when they ate the fruit it gave them consciousness to their being, they were removed with their innocence and purity. 
Like Alejandro in his current position, finally being aware of his sexuality, removing the doubts and hesitations that have been bugging him for the longest time. 

That moment he knew that sin will be committed and he fully accepted it, he accepted it through the passionate kiss of this stranger.

He was too weak to his knees to even stop it, the coldness he felt for so long for being lonely was finally defeated by the warmth coming from the man. 
It's comforting and satisfying. 

The man prepared him for the next act when he spit on his hands to wet Alejandro's hole. 

The man lied down. 
He carefully guided Alejandro into sitting on top of him. 

At that moment they were connected: physically and emotionally. 
Like a dancer, they danced to the rhythm, causing the both of them to moan so heavily that it can possibly awaken the dead under them. 

Alejandro turned deaf as he can only hear his heartbeat pounding so fast, the same way the man has been pounding him so hard on different positions: groundhog, sideways, on-top. 

The man pounded him in different areas: on the tomb, on its cross, on the concrete stepping beside the tomb. 

Alejandro doesn't want to forget the man and so he opened his eyes and saw not just a body, not just a gifted performer, but also a handsome face. 

"Did anybody told you that you are a fine young man?" Alejandro asked with heavy breathing in between. 

"Of course, look at me, I know it and everybody knows it as well," the man replied with pure confidence. 

Now, Alejandro, as an intimidating visitor to this foreign place, finally got it why someone would approach him and casually insist he ride on his bicycle: the stranger knows himself that he's a fine lad and was confident about it,  trying to capture Alejandro's long deep-seated desires. 

Alejandro grinned, he knew that the man was starting to capture his heart also through his charm: a combination of a well-sculpted body, well-crafted face, and a confidence that can either make people hate or love the man.

Alejandro closed his eyes again, it doesn't matter if he lost sight of the stranger as he can feel his organ inside him. 

Suddenly, the man's moan started to get louder and louder, marking the peak of his pleasure which also permitted Alejandro to beat his meat faster than earlier. 

Together, they peaked and Alejandro will describe it as if he experienced the version of heaven in the mortal world, their world, this sinful world.

Still, with Alejandro's sweats dripping into his pale and slim body, he dressed up and immediately started to walk out of the place. 

The stranger rode his silver bicycle and insisted to give Alejandro a ride to the nearest highway where he can catch a ride back to his home.
But, Alejandro with his selfish and cold heart, heavily refused and continued to walk. 

The man drove in the opposite direction leaving Alejandro on his own in a very strange place, far from where he came to enter. 

Slowly, he felt the blisters on his feet again. It reminded him of how long he has been walking all day before he got drunk at a local pub; before he was charmed by the stranger. 

He stopped for a while to rest. He felt like his feet are already bleeding or skinned when all of a sudden, for the second time tonight, a man on a silver bike stopped beside him. 

Alejandro turned around and was greeted with a smile by the same stranger earlier. 
He rolled his eyes towards the man to cover his flattered heart. 

At that moment, for the third time tonight, Alejandro was defeated. 

The first time was when he was charmed by the stranger the first time he stopped beside him. 

The second time was when he was charmed again by the man's confidence and overall physique and performance. 

And now, the third time when the stranger, without any obligation to Alejandro, well-fulfilled to their sexual encounter earlier, stopped again to offer him a ride. 

Alejandro rode at the back of that bicycle for the second time tonight. But, this time he did not stop himself from enjoying the moment.
He started hugging the man's torso real tight while lying his head onto his back, absorbing all the warmth the man's body will allow him to have. 

Alejandro smiled. The way to the nearest bus stop is nonetheless long, he can still savor the moment for some time. 

With the wind blowing into his face, he whispered, "I hope this is not the last time I will ride on this bicycle."

These words marked the chapter of his life where he is willing to open up his heart to someone again. 

And together, the two completely different men went in a direction, a direction not only to the bus stop but a direction to a bigger possibility that they might end up together; a possibility that might happen tonight before Alejandro leave the bike or in the future when they meet again. 

We will never know, neither one of them; only the universe has the answer.


  1. This is sooo good! It's your best so far 🥰. I looove it so much 💕

    1. Thank you so much!
      This means a lot to me. Salamat, Mr/Ms. 😊💕


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