The Beguiling Young Man And His Brief Escape From His World

       In an unfamiliar place embellished with a rustic view, he shut his light brown eyes. This is the only way he could ever absorb this newly discovered town.

The smell of the cold fresh breeze of rural wind tells him he's far away from his hometown, but the sensation that it gives him screams of peace and freedom.

This is the usual behavior of this young man with rust-colored hair: wandering in places he has never been to before, rambling through the land of unfamiliar locations, and trying to find things he could not figure out himself.

The calming sensation of the gentle winds made him released a contented smile. This young man has never been like this before, but at that time, he was.

The humble scenery around him probably prompted it.

Looking at the clouds that appear to hold hands with the majestic green mountain, on his bluish-green colored silk long sleeves, he puffed a Marlboro.

If someone sees him doing this in his usual territory, people would've had mixed reactions. Some will see him as fabulous, attractive and cool, and some will see him as stupid and suicidal for having this occasional habit.

He smiled while thinking, "Thank God I'm isolated from those critical people who can't seem to quit commenting on another person's business."

He walked for a few meters towards the lake, a few inches from the shoreline, he lay down on a huge rock. The deafening waves crashing into the land drowned his unhealthy flow of thoughts.

He saw a bird landing on one of the tree branches above him.

He started to reminisce about his childhood.

How he walked from his school back to his home every afternoon. At that time, his neighborhood was still embracing a suburban type of community, and every street was filled with various types of flowers. Around it were colorful butterflies flapping their wings, decorating the wild garden of flowers with beauty.

When it rains, he showers to it regardless of the loud roar and the heavy downpour of the sky above. He couldn't refuse the refreshing coldness of the rain. It calms his body, and it's more fun to play outside.

Every weekend afternoon, he would sit beside his grandpa, who would play Spanish and Mexican songs from the 60s and 70s. The decades old music rippling throughout the terrace and the warm breeze will make him fall asleep.

Those were the simpler times. Now, it's much more complicated. Everything seems to be so difficult.

Lying down, what he only sees are the thousands of leaves shadowing him from the blinding rays of the blazing sun. He closed his eyes again and let his ears see the invisible beauty of the area.

The serene sound of the wind hitting the leaves, the calming waves of the lake, the hypnotizing chirping of the birds, and the coldness of the rock he's currently at are all bringing harmony like an orchestra to his ears that also brought a surprising, unexpected blessing: a peaceful state of mind.

At this particular moment, he finally realized something, and that is the beauty of his momentary liberty, a temporary independence from the judgmental eyes of his social circle who always find him uncanny; a liberation from the box society has created for a young man like him.

This short tranquility he has, he believes, is the way God embraces him through nature to calm his mind from its chaotic thoughts, provoked by the toxicity and negativities on his daily life.

After a few minutes of calmness, he opened his eyes, sat down, and brought out his pen and journal. He then wrote, "The Beguiling Young Man And His Brief Escape From His World."


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