Morpheus And His Cruelty

In my dreams, you're there. I'm holding you tight, as tight as how a Greek God would hold their beloved mortal. You are lying on my chest, gazing at my eyes embellished with hazel pupils while caressing my rust-colored hair.

We looked at each other with intense admiration. It was so strong you made me teared up. Your presence was so powerful that all the dark and cold bitterness inside me was turned into a bright and warm delightful mix of emotions.

Then, I woke up. I was slapped by the brutal reality that it was all just a dream. Suddenly, all the joy I felt while in a dream state was turned into something so bitter and harsh that I wished I should've stayed asleep for the rest of my life. 

Dreams are sometimes cruel, they let you taste your greatest desires, and then Morpheus, the Greek God of dream and sleep, wakes you up only to remind you that your most significant longings would always remain as fantasy... at least for your miserable existence in this lifetime.


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